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Walker Zone - Those students who live in the village inside the red border will be considered "walkers".  Those in the village outside the red border will be assigned a bus stop.

Saferoutz Parent Portal

Any families who plan to use school transportation for the 2024-25 school year will need to have a SafeRoutz account.  You should have received an email to setup your account (check your spam folder). 

If you have not received an email or are having issues with account setup, please contact our Transportation Coordinator, Lyle Campbell.




Lyle Campbell
Transportation Coordinator
P: 740-969-7257 ext. 3001
P: 740-969-7863 fax


Bus At Entry








How will the school district communicate a delay or cancellation?

As soon as a decision is made, it will be communicated to parents via:

  • TEC (Education Connection) Text and Call
  • Page pop notification on the district website
  • Local news stations (Channel 4, Channel 6 and Channel 10)
  •  School social media page

When will the decision be made?

We strive to make a responsible decision as early as possible, but changing weather conditions and forecasts are challenging at times. It is our goal to decide by 5:30 a.m. or earlier to adequately communicate using the platforms listed above. If necessary to close after a two-hour delay, our goal is to communicate the closure by 7:30 a.m. If you do not feel it is safe for your child(ren) to get to school, use your best judgment as to whether or not they attend. If your child does not attend, please follow normal procedures for school absences. Also, please discourage teenagers from driving in poor road conditions. School buses continue to be the safest mode of transportation for students.

What factors are considered for a delay or closure?

We base our decision to delay or close school on various factors such as:

  • Information received from transportation staff, road crews and local law enforcement
  • The amount of accumulated snow or ice
  • Forecasted weather conditions
  • Temperatures and wind chill
  • Weather storm timing
  • Road conditions
  • Visibility
  • Building and parking lot conditions

When will the district consider delays or closures based on cold temperatures?

A-C will closely monitor weather conditions, including the "feels-like" temperature, which accounts for wind chill.  If the "feels-like" temperature reaches -10 degrees or colder, the district will implement a two-hour delay.  If the "feels-like" temperature is expected to remain at -10 degrees or below for an extended period, school will be canceled.

Will student activities be held if school is closed?

If school is canceled, high school activities may continue depending upon weather conditions. The district will make a decision mid-morning if activities may resume after noon on the day of the closure. The athletic director and principals will communicate to coaches and advisors regarding activities resuming for the day. The final decision for athletic contests will be in consultation with the opposing team’s school administration for home and away events.

What happens for an early release?

In the event that school must be released early, the announcement will be made as soon as possible. The district will use the TEC (Education Connection) text and call system, the district website and district social media page to communicate.

What if there is bad weather over the weekend?

A-C will make every effort to hold events as scheduled, unless conditions are prohibitive or unsafe. Decisions related to weekend events will be made by district administration and distributed by coaches and advisors to student participants. Athletic cancellations will be posted on the athletic department social media outlets.